Sustainability diary

Wash away Green Washing.

Wash away Green Washing.

Wash away Greenwashing.  What is Green Washing + How do we spot it?   Oh green washing! No it’s not the latest Tshirt tie dying trend … although sadly its...

Introducing Our Recycle Mat Scheme

Introducing Our Recycle Mat Scheme

With more and more people getting in wellness, yoga is becoming increasingly popular. Whilst this is very exciting, we have to be constantly thinking about our carbon footprint and what...

Understanding Yoga Mat Materials: PU vs PVC

Understanding Yoga Mat Materials: PU vs PVC

Many moons ago our fellow yogi brothers and sisters developed a yoga mat to prevent them slipping and sliding when they practiced. The cheapest, most accessible material at the time...

Yogi Bare’s Sustainability Audit

Yogi Bare’s Sustainability Audit

Everything we learn. Every experiment. Every learning. Every desire and goal. In March we showed you some truths about Yogi Bare and our sustainability journey. Through sharing our learning, research...

Dear Mother Earth

Dear Mother Earth

Entry Two. March 2021.  Nothing is created. Nothing Disappears. Everything is just transformed. This is the first law of thermodynamics. That all matter, all energy, all things that exist simply...

Sustainability Diary

Sustainability Diary

Entry One. March 2021. Dear Mother Earth,  Nothing is created. Nothing disappears. Everything is just transformed. As part of Yogi Bare’s Year Of The Self it was imperative to us...


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