Yoga During Lockdown: The Facetime Portraits Project - Rusna & Naikee

Yoga During Lockdown: The Facetime Portraits Project - Rusna & Naikee

Over the past few months in lockdown we created a special project with our wonderful friend @facetimportraits. Tim uses an incredible technique of shooting through the FaceTime app on your phone. It was our way of breaking the barriers of isolation + finding a way to connect with you. 

We wanted to explore the way that Yoga at home has supported you, held you, allowed you to escape but most importantly allowed you to connect, beyond anything else, with yourself. What followed was a truly moving creative project that felt like an insight into something truly hallowed. 

This is your yoga. This is your Yogi Bare.

Our Interview With Rusna 7 Naikee About Yoga during Lockdown 

Rusna & Naikee Kohli - @instamokshaa, are a brother and sister duo embarking on a yoga journey together and documenting their movements on Instagram.

We caught up with them both over Facetime, where Tim took some amazing pictures and our interview about yoga during lockdown took place.

Naikee and Rusna yoga in lockdown

What has Yoga meant to you during COVID/lock down?

It has been the one thing that has provided a sense of routine and stability for both of us during these crazy times. Especially during uncertain times, having a regular practice has allowed us to stay grounded whilst being a source of peace and stillness as we move through the year.


Has lock down affected your practice? (the good, the bad, the motivation, the atmosphere)

The good: We have kept a regular practice and have thrown in some stuff we have always wanted to work on, like some funky inversions (despite struggling really hard with them!)


The bad: We both miss the community feel of being in a studio environment and we both cannot wait to be back!


Motivation: There have been periods of very motivated morning practice, but to be perfectly honest there are days when we both struggle. Having a really short pranayama practice has really helped us to always stay connected with some aspect of our yoga practice.


The atmosphere: We are lucky and super grateful we have each other so can work on adjustment and also being in a space of encouragement.

 Naikee and Rusna yoga in lockdown

What was your practice like pre LD – was it more studio based? 

A lot of self practice but would still attend Mysore ashtanga classes and a few Vinyasa classes, which is what we miss most about lockdown.


Tips on creating a magical space to practice in at home.

It helps having a dedicated space to practice in. It doesn’t have to be super swanky…just somewhere with a mat and maybe a candle or incense is all you need. Somewhere you can practice with as little distraction as possible. Also, if you like practicing to music having a few yoga playlists that change depending on what mood you are in (or what mood you want to be in) can really help.

 Naikee and Rusna yoga in lockdown

Tips on practicing at home – motivation, times of day, online classes recommendations etc

We both are big believers in practicing first thing in the morning and having it be something you look forward to every night. In order to stay motivated it is great to always do some relevant reading as often as possible, whether this be on Yoga philosophy or on the more practical side. 


Did you find any moments of joy or inspiration you’d like to share?

Our happiest moments have been practicing together, which is something we have wanted to focus on. Whilst in the past our schedules have meant we don’t often get to sit side by side and practice; lockdown has given us the perfect opportunity to get deepen our practice together as siblings.

 Naikee and Rusna yoga in lockdown

Anything else you’d like to share on your experiences of yoga during lock down? 

Yes! A really happy moment for us has been trying to get the rest of our family to join us. Whilst we aren’t always successful it has been really fun getting our mum and dad to join in.

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