Yogi Bare: Making Yoga Accessible with Klarna

Yoga is supposed to make you feel like magic right? In every way. But what happens when it doesn’t? What happens when you feel like you’re not doing it “right” or that you have the “right” stuff or when you’re just finding it difficult?
I’ve been there. I remember saving up for a fancy weekend workshop and silently slipping away after an hour because I didn’t feel I fitted into the exclusivity of it all. The exclusivity of all the stuff.
So I developed Yogi Bare for that girl, for that boy. I wanted to create a brand that felt like your best friend. The type that you’d call and burst into laughter with when you were having a tough day. The type that makes you smile and has your back no matter what.
In my heart I felt Yoga should remain accessible, fun and full of magic and delight, not comparison, competition, staid or elitism. So I got to work. Yogi Bare is the physical manifestation of the concept of yoga being for everybody and every body.
Tomorrow we launch an exciting partnership with Klarna that makes high performance Yoga kit even more accessible.
You can now split your payment of any Yogi Bare mat or accessory three ways. No fees, no interest, no credit check, just options.
Its been a huge mission of ours to democratise Yoga and make the highest performance yoga equipment on the market available to ALL Yogis.
Because you can't put a price on freedom.
No walls. No barriers. No rules.
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